Welcome to the MaNaCa Project!
MaNaCa was a coordination and support action focused on developing and optimising magnetic nanohybrids for cancer therapy
About MaNaCa
In recent news:
The MaNaCa project was a 3,5 year (2019-2023) international collaboration which worked towards developing the scientific and technological capacity and raising the research profile of the Institute for Physical Research of National Academy of Sciences (IPR-NAS) in Armenia. The institute was supported by a highly-experienced consortium: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) in Greece; the University of Duisburg – Essen (UDE) in Germany; and Intelligentsia Consultants Sàrl (INT) in Luxembourg.
To learn more about the project's objectives and the research and innovation strategy, please visit the Project Summary |
The MaNaCa consortium are very proud to have received an excellent assessment in the European Commission's final review of the project. To find out more, please click here
Upcoming events:
No more events - the MaNaCa project officially ended on 31 March 2023.